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使用“内容”造70句子 (1)

71.Boxed text is original ISO 9001:2000 text.   带方框的内容源于ISO90012000.  72.WAIS looks at the contents of documents rather than just at the titles.   WAIS会浏览文档内容,而不只是题目。  73.The content of all of these hard drives composes Napster.   所有这些硬盘的内容就构成了Napster公司。  74.Make sure the contents are clearly labelled on the outside.   外面的标签一定要注明里面的内容.  75.There was nothing in the letter of particular importance.   这封信里没什么特别重要的内容。  76.This is a good composition: the content is interesting and the language is smooth.   这是一篇好作文:内容有趣,语言也很通顺。  77.Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.  未经许可,任何人不得复制本栏目内容。  78.This Book is long, But on the other hand it is very interesting. 这本书内容很长,但另一方面它很有趣。 79.This article is crisp, informative   这篇文章风格明快,内容充实。  80.I'd go along with most of that, but who will carry it out?   我同意大部分内容,但谁来执行呢?  81.This illustration is cleverly tied in with the content.   这幅插图与内容配合得很巧妙。  82.They sex up their commercial advertis


1.Every boy and girl had a theory about the nature of that book.   至于那本书的内容,孩子们七嘴八舌,各抒己见。  2.There is an introduction in the front of the book,which tells you about the book.   卷首有一篇引言介绍书的内容。  3.Substantial in content   内容翔实  4.Content provider   内容供应商  5.The contents are multifarious and disorderly.   内容庞杂。  6.Evisceration of orbit   眶内容剜出术  7.Relative to the on-CPU cache, main memory is positively crawling  高速缓存与主存中的内容必须保持一致。  8.The binding and layout of this book is out of keeping with it's content   这本书的装帧和设计与内容不协调。  9.We gotta(have got to) review these ancient articles we have learnt.  我们要把学过的文言文内容复习好  10.The first step is to read the contents of a punch card into a core.   第一步是把穿孔卡的内容读入磁芯。  11.In short, both the statutory context and the policy choices presented in this area are atypical   总之,这方面法令的内容和政策的选择都不是典型的。  12.We must try to diversify the syllabus to attract more students.   我们应该使教学大纲内容多样化,可以多吸引学生。  13.Vomiting: Forcible ejection o