商务中英文常用会话 20句(2)

41. You have to come down to the Business Center over there. 
ni3       bi4       xu1       dao4     na4       bian1    de5       shang1  wu4      zhong1 xin1      qu4       fa1.

42. Business class, for this Sunday. 
商务舱, 时间是这个星期天.
商務艙, 時間是這個星期天.
shang1  wu4      cang1, shi2      jian1     shi4      zhe4     ge4       xing1    qi1       tian1.

43. When I get back here, I want this to be business class. 
我回来时, 希望这儿成为真正的商务舱.
我回來時, 希望這儿成為真正的商務艙.
wo3      hui2      lai2       shi2,     xi1       wang4  zhe4     er2       cheng2  wei2     zhen1   zheng4  de5            shang1 
wu4      cang1.

44. If you can afford business class , you can afford some business ass.
如果你们能坐商务舱, 就要有所收获.
如果你們能坐商務艙, 就要有所收獲.
ru2       guo3     ni3       men5    neng2   zuo4     shang1  wu4      cang1, jiu4      yao4     you3            suo3     shou1  

45. Getting to know the right person means half of your business is done. 
zai4      shang1  wu4      huo2     dong4   zhong1, you3     shi2      hou4     ren4      shi2      you3            guan1   de5       ren2      jiu4      yi4       wei4     a0         shi4      qing2    you3     yi1            ban4     cheng2  gong1   de5       ba3       wo4.

46. After dinner, I promise to desert the ladies and give business my full attention. 
fan4      hou4     wo3      fa1       shi4      wo3      jiang1   bu4       zai4      li3        ta1,       quan2   li4            dui4      dai4 shang1       wu4.

47. Please contact the account manager for the recharge of prepayment.
ke4       hu4       ru2       xu1       zai4      zeng1   zhi2      yu4       jiao3     fu2       wu4      fei4,            qing3    yu3 shang1       wu4      gu4       wen4    lian2     xi4.

48. This is a book about business as opposed to business theory. 
zhe4     shi4      yi1       ben3     guan1   yu2       shang1  wu4      shi2      jian4     er2       bing4    fei1            li3        lun4 de5           shu1.

49. Electronic commerce in now ages, world logistics industry contain new development trend. 
在当今的电子商务时代, 全球物流产业有了新的发展趋势.
在當今的電子商務時代, 全球物流產業有了新的發展趨勢.
zai4      dang1   jin1      de5       dian4    zi5        shang1  wu4      shi2      dai4,     quan2   qiu2            wu4      liu2     
chan3   ye4       you3     le5        xin1      de5       fa1       zhan3   qu1       shi4.

50. We can help you organise fundraising activities for your business or organisation. 
wo3      men5    ke3       yi3       wei2     ge4       shang1  wu4      ji1        gou1     jin4      xing2            chou2   kuan3 deng3     shang1  wu4      huo2     dong4.

51. If I were a tycoon, I would invest more money on e - commerce . 
如果我是大款, 我会投资很多资金在 电子商务 .
如果我是大款, 我會投資很多資金在 電子商務 .
ru2       guo3     wo3      shi4      da4       kuan3, wo3      hui4      tou2      zi1        hen3     duo1     zi1            jin1      zai4      dian4    zi5        shang1  wu4      li3.

52. Of an enterprise, e - commerce is a new means of operation. 
对一个企业来说, 电子商务 是一种新的经营手段.
對一個企業來說, 電子商務 是一种新的經營手段.
dui4      yi1       ge4       qi3       ye4       lai2       shuo1, dian4    zi5        shang1  wu4      shi4      yi1            zhong4 xin1      de5       jing1     ying2    shou3   duan4.

53. Gathering frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of OCS travel. 
ji1        lei4       fei1      xing2    li3        cheng2  shi4      shang1  wu4      luu3      xing2    de5       e2            wai4     bu3       tie1       zhi1      yi1.

54. Is a set accommodation, catering, entertainment, business, shopping in one multi - functional hotel. 
是一座集住宿 餐饮 娱乐 商务 购物于一体的多功能酒店.
是一座集住宿 餐飲 娛樂 商務 購物于一体的多功能酒店.
shi4      yi1       zuo4     ji2        zhu4     su4            can1     yin3           yu2       le4             shang1  wu4           gou4     wu4      yu2       yi1       ti3        de5       duo1     gong1            neng2   jiu3      dian4.

55. The woman trap him into give away the business secret. 
na4       nuu3     ren2      yong4   ji4        rang4    ta1        tu3       lu4       le5        shang1  wu4      mi4            mi4.

56. Both quantity and amount for each item less are allowed. 
mei3     yi1       xiang4  mu4      di4       shu4     liang4   he2       jin1      guo2     ji4        shang1            wu4      dan1     zheng4  shi2      wu4      e2         jun1      yun3     xu3       you310%          de5            zeng1   jian3.

57. At this time, Stewart began to hone and develop her business skills.
此时, 斯图尔特开始磨练并其商务技巧.
此時, 斯圖爾特開始磨練并其商務技巧.
ci3        shi2,     si1        tu2       er3       te4        kai1      shi3      mo2      lian4     bing4    qi2            shang1  wu4      ji4        qiao3.

58. Some tellers specialize in handling foreign currencies, or commercial or business accounts. 
一些出纳员还专门负责处理外币业务, 或商业、商务账户.
一些出納員還專門負責處理外幣業務, 或商業、商務賬戶.
yi1       xie1      chu1     na4       yuan2   huan2   zhuan1  men2    fu4       ze2       chu3     li3            wai4     bi4       ye4       wu4,     huo4     shang1  ye4shang1   wu4      zhang4  hu4.

59. Our garden terrace is open for business breakfast, lunch and dinner.
我们的小花园也春意盎然的为您的商务早 中及晚餐做好了充分的准备.
我們的小花園也春意盎然的為您的商務早 中及晚餐做好了充分的准備.
wo3      men5    de5       xiao3    hua1     yuan2   ye3       chun1   yi4       ang4     ran2      de5            wei2     nin2      de5       shang1  wu4      zao3           zhong1 ji2        wan3    can1            zuo4     hao3     le5        chong1 fen4      de5       zhun3   bei4.

60. B Ah, you can do that in our Business Centre. 
B, 你可以到商务中心去.
B, 你可以到商務中心去.

B          a5,        ni3       ke3       yi3       dao4     shang1  wu4      zhong1 xin1      qu4.


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