
851. The new legislation that I will sign next week will build on this progress. 

852. This agreement, a sign of founder and Kodak the another a new step forward. 
协议, 志着北大方正与柯达在技合作方面又出了新的一步.

853. This Deed may be amended only by another agreement executed by all the parties. 

854. On July 29 th , 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, which created NASA. 
1958729, 艾森豪威尔总统签署了国家航空宇航法案, 个法案建了国家航空和宇宙航行局.

855. Today she will attend a signing ceremony normalizing relation with Turkey and Armenia. 

856. In 1815, President James Madison signed a bill granting Georgetown a charter to confer degrees. 
1815, 詹姆斯.麦迪逊总统签署了一法令,批准治敦大学有学位授予.

857. This Contract shall not be changed verbally, but a written instrument signed by the Parties. 
合同不得以口方式修改, 须经双方面文件后方可修改.

858. Please send us half the amount by return, and sign the enclosed acceptance for the balance. 
先支付一半的, 署我随信寄上的票以支付余.

859. SINGAPORE and China signed a bilateral agreement on defence exchanges and security cooperation on Monday. 

860. S. officials at one point hoped would include a stop in Warsaw to sign an accord. 

861. Even signed a loan agreement account, it is difficult to prevent the funds out of control. 
即便署了账户借用协议, 金失去控制.

862. All bid documents are required to be original and signed documents must be sealed before mailing.  

863. Using Recognized Digi - Sign Certification Service's certificates, all documents digitally signed & encrypted for open network transmission.
所有文件已经过认可的子核之数码证书进 及 加密,可于公开的网传输.

864. Israel has nuclear weapons and has no intention of signing the non - proliferation treaty. 

865. Article 52 After an auction is completed , the buyer and auctioneer shall sign a deal conclusion letter. 
第五十二条拍成交后, 受人和拍署成交确认书.

866. It was on the eleventh of November 1918, the day the armistice was signed. 
是在19181111, 争停战协议签署那天.

867. So far 59 enterprises have been signed up as producers plus 73 retail businesses. 

868. I also issue you the documents that will prove you the present beneficiary of this fund. 

869. Nomination must be accepted by the nominee and this nomination form must be by the nominee. 

870. President Obama recently signed into law a bill that changes the student loan system. 

871. Rmb: China signed agreement with 8 neighboring countries to use RMB as clearance currency. 
人民: 中国与8个周国家协议,使用人民为结货币.

872. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree firing powerful Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. 

873. This agreement shall be effective from the date of signing, valid for one year. 
协议自双方署之日起生效, 有效期一年.

874. A confirmation statement shall be signed by the authorized representatives of the two parties. 

875. U.S. President Bill Clinton signs a highway bill that ends the federal 55 mph speed limit. 

